Alli's Blog
Monday, 11. November 2002
Week 11 Online Journal

This week, I set out to finish my last genre. I think it was supposed to be our unifying genre but I already did that one with the email exchange. We had to also decide which genres we wanted Mrs. McComas to review and offer her feedback for. I decided on the Powerpoint one and my email exchange, just to see if the Powerpoint was long enough and if the email exchange was what she had in mind. Also, this week, I set out to really fix my reference/resource list and get it as perfect as I could because it was due this weekend, too. I went out of town this weekend and had actually planned on getting the genre done tonight, instead of before the weekend, as I usually do. I knew I wouldn't have enough time to get it done before Friday.

This week, I really had to get down to that one last genre I was indecisive about and post it. I changed it several times at the last minute, and finally decided on a reference letter. I actually used a bit of the formatting from one of our 424 workbooks and it helped a lot. With the references, I had to break down and go to the library to check out the APA manual for a little bit. I still don't know if it's right or not, but I had to skim and search and compare and see if my entry fit the exact criteria for each type's format (did it have an author? two authors? was it a periodical? accessible online?).

I guess after dealing with finding APA style online and having to go to the library, I realized that we (or maybe it's just me...) are spoiled by having everything delivered to our fingertips in just moments when we type in a few things on a keyboard. I felt like I "drudged" to the library to find what i needed in a book and definitely felt like I was in the Stone Age, using it! I guess I've been jaded by utilizing the web so much in the progress of this project that getting my hands on a tangible resource seems a little out of date. Anyway, I am glad that at least the roughest drafts of my genres are finished and I can't wait to get to fix them all and make them look better!

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Genre 7 Referral Letter

Marshall Speech Center
Donna B. Kuhn, M.A., CCC-SLP
Huntington, WV 25705

October 23, 2002

Melissa N. Fallow, M.A., CCC-A
Charleston University
1186 Worthington Ave.
Andersen, SC 86219

Re: Joey Potter
DOB: 8/22/81

Dear Mrs. Fallow,

Joey Potter, a four year two month old female is being referred for a complete audiological evaluation. I saw Joey for a speech and language evaluation on October 22, 2002 at the Marshall Speech Center in Huntington, WV. Joey’s parents referred her to the clinic, stating in the case history that Joey, “doesn’t respond to loud noises like most kids do and when you talk to her, it’s like she’s in another world.” Her parents also said that in order to ask Joey a question, “you have to make her look at you and then repeat it once or twice.”

During conversation, Joey’s speech was characterized by hyponasal resonance and she had problems differentiating between voiced and voiceless cognates.

Joey has a history of chronic otitis media, but has not been previously evaluated by a speech language pathologist or audiologist. Joey’s mother also stated during the interview immediately before the evaluation that Joey had difficulty following directions at her preschool and “needs them to be repeated several times to understand what she needs to do" (Owens, 1996).

Joey did not pass a pure tone air conduction hearing screening in either ear, as she failed to respond to tones at 2000 and 4000 Hz. Joey’s tympanograms were normal and showed no sign of tympanic membrane dysfunction (Owens, 1996).

A copy of the evaluation report is enclosed along with a copy of the parents’ written consent to release this information. Please send me a copy of your examination report and do not hesitate to call if you have any questions regarding this client. Thank you for your help.


Donna B. Kuhn, M.A., CCC-SLP

(Adapted from Pannbacker, 1992)

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November 2002
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